Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Federation Day

The children spent the day at Catfield with their friends from the Federation learning about Malawi. They took part in four activities.

1)               African drumming & traditional stories.

2)               Art – Chitenje patterns.

3)               A day in the life of a Malawi child.

4)               Making a Galimoto toy.

They also learned some songs in Chichewa and found out how children in our partner school in Malawi have very large classes, walk a long way to school and have to help with farming.

Well done Orange Class for working so well with your Federation friends and for being very respectful towards our visitors.

Monday, May 20, 2019

More Malawi

The children have been continuing to research Malawi as part of their Topic work this half term. They have used maps and atlases to find the country and have read facts and watched videos to learn about the physical features of the country. The children worked in house teams to put together all that they have found out so far.





You could ask your child which hosue they are in and to let you know what some of the pictures here mean.

Keep an eye out for more Malawi news in the next blog post after our federation day!

Thursday, May 9, 2019


Very soon we will be having a Federation Day, organised by our executive head, Ms Wones, who is off to our Federation's partner school in Malawi very soon.

This week, we have done some learning to help us prepare for this. First, the children learnt all about the 7 continents with Mrs Gray and had a go at rebuilding a chopped up map. They enjoyed using an Atlas to help them to label each place.

We found Africa on our maps and discovered that Malawi is a country on this continent. We looked at a patterned fabric, called a 'chitenge', which is worn by many African women in Malawi. We talked about the prints and colours before working together to create our own chitenge sheet. We each contributed some small prints to create this...isn't it beautiful?!

Here are the team at work...

Then we danced to the music from Malawi that we had on in the background because it was funky and...well, why not?! Have a smashing weekend!