Sunday, September 23, 2018

Piet Mondrian

How lovely it was to see so many of you stay for the 'I wish' activity after assembly on Friday, it is always great to have a chance to chat to parents and carers in class. The children loved having you there and it is wonderful for them to be able to show you the things they've been up to in Orange Class.

This week, the children worked a little more on their map skills and had a go at making their own maps of the school. Lots of us remembered what a key was and we included these alongside our maps. We also started computing this week and had a go at logging on to the computers at school. It is still a little tricky, but the children are slowly getting used to using a mousepad and the buttons - very strange in a world full of touchscreens!

In maths, the children have been working very hard on their numbers to 10 and are ready to move on to some simple addition next week. We will also continue to work on forming those digits at school - 9s, 5s and 3s are particularly tricky to get the right way round...any extra practice you can manage at home would be hugely appreciated!  

In literacy, the children have been writing sentences, with adult support. Gradually, as the year goes on, the children will become more independent with their writing - for now, it is lovely to see such enthusiasm for writing in the class and such effort being put into it. All of the children have managed to have a go at writing in their new books and lots have even had a go at sounding out some words on their own - which is fantastic! We are working on putting spaces in between our words and knowing the difference between a word and a sentence.

For the photos this week I thought I would share the children's Piet Mondrian inspired art work because they look so proud of it! These are up in the classroom if you want to see the real thing!

Have a wonderful weekend.



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